Showstoppers!: Teen Musical Theatre
Musical theater performance is more than just singing; it's acting through a song. In this ongoing, multi-level training program for teens, these young artits will be immersed in the material from a contemporary or classical Broadway musical. Teens will not only explore how to interpret a song and gain collaboration skills by working on group numbers but they will also learn about the creators and the history of the material that they will work on. This class will culminate in a performance of their works in progress based musical chosen to be explored on the last day of the session. (The Teen Ensemble or Teen Comedy Club are great companion classes for teens artists who are looking for a well rounded training experience)
Feb 1 - Apr 12th, 2025
Sat for 10 weeks from 12:00 - 2:00 pm
American Stage
163 3rd Street North, St.
Petersburg, FL 33701
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